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parametric oscillator中文

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  • 參量振蕩器


  • In the opo theory , the principium of the optical parametric oscillator is explained
  • This thesis is devoted to various studies involving quasi - phase matched optical parametric oscillator
  • With a wide - spectrum tunable output , optical parametric oscillator ( opo ) extends the laser wavelength and meets diversified needs
    光學參量振蕩器( opo )可以產生寬范圍可調諧激光輸出,它的出現拓寬了激光波長,使之可以滿足各種應用需要。
  • At present , ktp has been widely used in second harmonic generation ( shg ) , sum ( difference ) - frequency mixing , optical parametric oscillators ( opo ) and optical parametric amplification ( opa )
    目前, ktp已作為一種商業化的晶體廣泛應用于中小功率固體激光器的倍頻( shg ) 、和(差)頻、光參量振蕩( opo )和放大( opa )等。
  • In addition , quasi - phase - matched materials is being used in optical parametric oscillator widely . periodically poled nonlinear crystals are of particular advantage for realizing efficient optical parametric oscillators
  • Laser diode or flash lamp pumped solid state lasers with different wavelength and different operating styles . wavelength tunable laser sources with tial2 o3 laser and optical parametric oscillator laser application machines with laser display , laser material procession
  • Using the formulized approach to the su ( 1 , 1 ) h ( 4 ) time - dependent system , which is derived from the combination of the formulation of the time - dependent bogoliubov transformation and the evolution equation of the system , we obtain the time evolution operator , state function and heisenberg uncertainty relation of the parametric oscillator with cavity losses under the weak coupling approximation . we also discuss the squeezing property of the system
    本文利用含時波戈留波夫變換與時間演化方程相結合得到的求解su ( 1 , 1 ) ? h ( 4 )量子系統的時間演化算符和演化態的普遍公式,我們導出了帶腔損耗的參數振子在弱耦合近似下的演化算符,態函數和不確定乘積,并討論了系統的壓縮特性。
  • In the sectionl , we introduced the development of opo and the correlative nonlinear optical ( nlo ) crystal , summarized the background and the recent advance of the clbo and linewidth of opo ; in the section2 , we have studied and stimulated linewidth of parametric light of clbo optical parametric oscillators pumped by 355nm by computer
  • We studied the optical characteristic of the optical parametric oscillator ( opo ) on a new crystal cesium lithium borate ( cslib6oio ) . because all - solid - state uv laser has the advantage of little bulk , high power and easily to be carried etc . the application and exploitation of it has important value of not only in theory but also practicality
    論文從理論上研究了新型非線性cslib _ 6o _ ( 10 ) ( clbo )晶體用于光參量過程的有關特性。由于全固態激光器具有體積小、功率高、攜帶方便等特點,其應用和開發,不但有重要的學術價值,而且有很大的實用價值。
  • However , as optical parametric oscillators are mainly used in the research area of spectroscopy etc , and the applications of spectroscopy have a high demand for the resolution of the lasers , namely beam linewidth , ours practical study of bbo - opo mainly take the efforts for seeking the theoretical support of the decreasing linewidth and improving the beam quality of output , and practical experimental methods as well as increasing the conversation of the parametric beams , and providing convenient tuning systems for the opo applications
    然而,由于opo主要應用于光譜學研究等領域,而光譜學的應用對激光的分辨率即線寬和光束質量要求較高,因此本文的bbo - opo實用化研究在努力提高參量光的轉換效率的同時,主要致力于尋求壓縮線寬和提高光束質量的理論依據和實用化的實驗手段以及為opo的應用提供便捷的調諧系統。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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